The Kintz Group doesn’t just advise Dealers, Managers and Sales people. We work directly at the sales desk and on the floor to train your people how to achieve their goals for increased volume and gross PVR.
Power Phone Skills—Turn Leads Into Appointments
What’s happening with all those leads your advertising dollars are generating?

Tim Kintz, President
The Kintz Group
You spend a lot of money making your dealership’s phones ring, generating Internet Leads and getting customer visits, now it is time to really tap into that huge profit opportunity.
Power Phone Skills Training turns your salespeople and BDC personnel into appointment closing machines … able to get more people in the door … and turn more of your un-sold customers into be-backs.
Result: More Sales … More Gross.
Turn Your People into PROs on the Phone Today!
High Performance Selling
Want your salespeople to be the Best of the Best?
Here’s your chance! With High Performance Selling, your people will …
- Flawlessly execute the steps of the sale with every customer
- Know how to close the sale and handle objections along the way
- Know how to negotiate once they bring the deal to the Desk
We have worked with thousands of sales people around the world and our motivational style will not only energize your people but also give them the tools to succeed long term.
Power Desking & Negotiating
Today’s buyers are huge sales challenges …
- More educated
- Use internet to configure and price vehicles
- Want wholesale on purchase, retail on trade in
- Have higher expectations than ever before
Now you can have a desking and negotiation process that allows you to hold gross profit while maintaining higher levels of CSI …
In Power Desking & Negotiating we
- Provide tips, traps and rules for a powerful negotiation process
- Develop your dealership’s negotiation steps
- Show how to train and implement your Negotiation Process
Develop consistency and professionalism when you negotiate with today’s toughest buyers … and get the best possible results!
Advanced Closing & Negotiating Skills –
WARNING: Not For The Faint Of Heart!
We cover nothing but closing, handling objections and negotiating.
It’s time to teach your salespeople how to close the deal TODAY.
The key is practice … practice … practice— Drilling your people repeatedly with the right techniques will make them fearless. So they will produce the results you want the minute they get back.
Turn your sales people’s Negotiating Fear into Negotiating Fun with this high impact training!
The Leadership Quadrant Workshop
This highly interactive platform encompasses all key areas of growth potential including:
- How to hold effective training
- Coaching your people to success
- Identifying and managing profit sources
- Developing a long term vision
- How to create a winning team attitude
Breakout groups work on current issues surrounding your dealership today. Your Managers will leave with a plan to take their performance to new heights.
You have the profit potential in your dealership …
It is up to you to provide the tools your managers and salespeople need to succeed!